Digifly Flyer 2 Vario Utility

A simplified download utility for the Digifly Flyer 2 Vario.
Download version 1.0.0
System requirements:
  • Java 6 or later



Run DigiflyDownloader.bat


  1. Edit DigiflyDownloaderLinux.sh, find "-Duk.org.birtles.digifly.serialPrefix=/dev/ttyUSB" and replace "/dev/ttyUSB" with the prefix used by your serial device
  2. Open a terminal and CD to the downloader directory
  3. Run "./DigiflyDownloaderLinux.sh"

Other platforms

Make a copy of the linux shell script and adapt it to suit your platform. Please send me a copy of your script so I can include it in future releases

Other Languages

If you would like to translate the program please open the jar file and find uk/org/birtles/digifly/messages.properties. Edit the strings and send the edited file to me for inclusion in the next release.

Source code is available at https://www.birtles.org.uk/svn/vario/
username is "anon@svn" password is "anon"