written by Ian Bishop

The xml files grabbed by Alan's Grabber program are very useful, but there seem to be few utilities available to actually view the data in a meaningful way.

The only other one I've so far come across is TVGuide, mentioned on Alan's Radio Times Grabber page, but I found it gave far too much information, and seemed very slow loading. So I decided to write a simple viewer for myself. I've tried to make it user-friendly and logical, but I was an amateur programmer who knew nothing about XML or C# before this. So bear that in mind if you decide to try it.

The Windows Version

XMLTV EPG Viewer (win) screenshot XMLTV EPG Viewer (win) screenshot

Basically, it's meant to be fast and simple. Load an xml file generated by Alan's Radio Times Grabber, and if you're in luck, you should see a list of dates and channels. Select a combination of date and channel, and the program should display the listings for that combination. Click on a listing and you should see the description for that listing.

Changes since version 1.3.1 Changes since version 1.3.0

Changes since version 1.2.1

Changes since version 1.1.1

Changes since version 1.0

Download Links

Download the Windows version (1.3.2) of the viewer (35 KB) - Requires the .NET Framework 2.0

Download the Source Code of the Windows version of the viewer - written in C# using the .NET Framework 2.0

Other Stuff

Thanks to Alan Birtles for giving me some of his webspace to host this page, and for being so co-operative in adding the encoding feature to his Grabber program. Thanks also to both Martin Thompson and Simon Watkins for their help, advice and suggestions when testing the viewer.